Introduction to ZOOM
MAY 06 06
02:00 pm to 04:00 pm

You can join Introduction to Zoom by clicking the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86578541921 or by entering the following Meeting ID into your Zoom Cloud Meetings app: 865 7854 1921 

The password was emailed to registered attendees but you can always call our office at 867-668-6280 for help connecting to the call or for the Meeting Password.


ZOOM provides a remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration. This two-hour introductory course is split into three segments

  1. [30 min] before class = Troubleshooting and Tech Support (optional)
  • Trouble getting into the virtual meeting room.
  • Hardware problems (computer, video and microphone issues).



  1. [1 hour] class time = Instruction and Demonstration
  • Overview of the ZOOM software.
  • Demonstration of tools, options and settings at your disposal.
  • Learn how to host and schedule ZOOM meetings of your own.
  • Tips, tricks and best practices.



  1. [30 mins] after class  = Questions and Answer period. (optional)
  • Q&A period and opportunities for one-on-one assistance with issues.