Introduction to ZOOM

GROUP 8-10 participants per class
2.5 hours total
1.5 hour classtime + [1 hour optional]
What you will learn

In this introduction to ZOOM course, participants will learn how to use the popular web video conferencing interface software “ZOOM.” Gain the confidence to host, join and participate in ZOOM remote conference meetings. Giving you the ability to have video meetings remotely from home with up to 100+ participants from anywhere in the world!

Whether you are on a Mac, Windows, laptop or desktop, smartphone or tablet device, ZOOM can accommodate your tech of choice. Don’t have a computer? No problem, phone-in and join conferences by telephone.


This course acts as a prerequisite for our e-learning course catalogue.

Joining the ZOOM meeting is easy! Just click on an invitation or input the meeting ID number, and that’s it! No account or sign in necessary. Most devices nowadays have cameras and microphones built-in. Still, if you have an older computer or want to improve your sound and video quality, you can purchase additional equipment, but this is unnecessary.


If you need instruction on connecting to our Introduction to Zoom class, please click on the Video tab below and play the video.

Course Description

ZOOM provides a remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration. This two-hour introductory course is split into three segments

  1. [30 min] before class = Troubleshooting and Tech Support (optional)
  • Trouble getting into the virtual meeting room.
  • Hardware problems (computer, video and microphone issues).


  1. [1.5 hour] class time = Instruction and Demonstration
  • Overview of the ZOOM software.
  • How to create a ZOOM account.
  • Demonstration of administrative tools, options and settings at your disposal. 
  • Demonstration of tools, options and settings at your disposal. 
  • Tips, tricks and best practices.
  • Online etiquette.
  • Learn how to host your own ZOOM meetings.
  • ZOOM Premium - what is it, and do you need it.


  1. [30 mins] after class  = Questions and Answer period. (optional)
  • Q&A period and opportunities for one-on-one assistance with issues.

ZOOM provides a remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration. This two-hour advanced course is split into two segments and designed for people who have a good understanding of how to use ZOOM. If you have difficulty joining zoom meetings, it’s recommended you enter the meeting room early.