Membership Form

The Yukon Learn Society is here to help our learners increase their literacy skills. They learn the nine essential skills: reading, writing, computer use, numeracy, critical thinking, oral communication, working with others, document use, and continuous learning.

Your first step is to become a Yukon Learn Member. Our yearly memberships give you access to all our programs and services for FREE! We just require you to fill out some paperwork accompanied by a small membership fee:
$2 per year (unemployed adult/student/senior) or
$5 per year (employed adult)

Street Address

Please check all that apply to you (optional):

Note: This information is confidential and used for statistics only; your name will not appear with the information you provide.

Options 1

Please indicate which courses you are interested in taking by placing mark in the corresponding boxes.

Yukon Learn Yearly Membership Fee