Membership Form The Yukon Learn Society is here to help our learners increase their literacy skills. They learn the nine essential skills: reading, writing, computer use, numeracy, critical thinking, oral communication, working with others, document use, and continuous learning. Your first step is to become a Yukon Learn Member. Our yearly memberships give you access to all our programs and services for FREE! We just require you to fill out some paperwork accompanied by a small membership fee: $2 per year (unemployed adult/student/senior) or $5 per year (employed adult) Date with format Date? Date? Date Gender Male Female Other Prefer not to specify Other First Name Last Name Street Address Street Address City Postal Code Telephone: E-mail E-mail Confirm email How did you hear about us? Age 16-29 30-54 55+ Please check all that apply to you (optional): Note: This information is confidential and used for statistics only; your name will not appear with the information you provide. Options 1 First Nations ancestry On Employment Insurance (EI) High school graduate Currently employed Francophone Canadian citizen Person with disabilities On Social Assistance (SA) Youth with barriers to employment If yes, please state your line of work Organization: Project: Please indicate which courses you are interested in taking by placing mark in the corresponding boxes. INTRODUCTORY LEVEL COURSES Introduction to Computers (Windows 10) Introduction to Internet and Email Introduction to Microsoft Word Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Money Matters: an Introduction to Financial Literacy Digital Skills for the Work World Office Skills for the Work World Introduction to Smartphones & Tablets Yukon Tech Roadshow Seniors Outreach Computer Tutor Program Wallet Wisdom: Making Sense of Cents Introduction to ZOOM Weekly Drop-in Computer Lab Language Skills for the Work World Yukon Tech Talks Community Language Skills Workshops Employment Skills for the Work World e-Business for Small Businesses Cyber Security Lunch N' Learn SUGGESTION BOX Yukon Learn Yearly Membership Fee Employed Adult $ 5.00 Student / Senior / Unemployed $ 2.00 Volunteer/ Tutor FREE Organization FREE Project FREE Yukon Learn Yearly Membership Fee Employed Adult $ 5.00 Student / Senior / Unemployed $ 2.00 Volunteer/ Tutor FREE Organization FREE Project FREE Submit