
Yukon Learn Society (YLS) was registered as a society under the Societies Act of the Yukon on August 19, 1983.

Our Mission is to provide appropriate training programs and services to Yukon adults with literacy, numeracy or digital literacy needs, which contributes to their ability to reach personal goals and to reach full potential by providing free and personalized services.

Our Vision is to be known as the Yukon society that provides free, quality adult literacy training and services to the Yukon.

Our Mandate is to promote and provide free adult literacy services throughout the Yukon.

Our Primary Focus is to offer free digital literacy courses and one-to-one tutoring to learners hoping to improve their reading, writing, math or computer skills.

Based in Whitehorse, we have an Education Centre that provides for library use, one-on-one tutoring, scheduled computer classes or self-directed computer studies.

We are active in the Yukon communities working with community partners such as Yukon College and Yukon First Nations to provide much needed, free digital literacy training to adults with barriers to education.

We also work with literacy stakeholders to develop and deliver adult literacy services.

Your donation allows us to:

  • Reach more clients.
  • Strengthen our community.
  • Provide a higher quality of service. 
  • Offer one-on-one literacy programs to individuals with significant needs, such as homeless individuals and new immigrants, as well as to individuals who need additional skills to keep a job.
  • Offer group classes to folks wanting to improve their literacy skills as well as to improve their computer skills.
  • Provide funds to purchase equipment and special reading materials.
  • Provide training for our wonderful team of volunteer tutors.
  • Provides “seed-funding” for other organizations working with Yukoners who need to increase their skill levels.

Our tutors report that learners are changing their lives because of the support of Yukon Learn. We hope you will consider helping us achieve our goals.